…And Another Thing!

My fingers have been itching for some time now, the words dieing to get out. I tend to have a lot of opinions – I mean a lot. So I finally went ahead with starting this blog.

I’ve had the address for quite some time now. About two years ago I was playing this online game and started a blog as a side project – a place to write down and share my thoughts about the experience. Ok, I just wanted an excuse to post screenshots of my hot avatar and be silly. But eventually it turned into a place that hosted my thoughts on the game and the community that surrounds it. Anyway, that’s when the character name Aendi morphed into my online alias and ended up what it is today – the nickname I use on the interwebs.

Moving on.

Don’t ask me why, but I felt that the blog had to be called “Good Socks”. Actually, the full title is “Good Socks: Because let’s face it – no one likes their socks ungood”. I have a weird sense of humour, lets leave it at that.

I spent some time playing around with the layout until it looked like something I could live with and eventually I felt I was ready. The ground having been lain, I could finally get to the writing. So I opened up a “New Post” sheet, typed in the title and …

… sheepishly stared at the screen.

Now what?

I mean I have a gazillion ideas, thoughts, opinions and musings to put down on paper (so to speak), but what am yI supposed to put in my first post?

Being the resourceful female that I am, I naturally googled it immediate. “First blog post” I casually typed into the little search box. 598 million hits. Hot fudge!

Turns out there is actually a firstblogpost.com – I shit you not. It isn’t any kind of tutorial or some good Samaritan’s helpful tips on how to best write your first blogpost, but a community for bloggers to share their first posts – or so it claims. Of course what it actually is, is a place for bloggers to advertise their sites and desperately try to gain new readers. I simply had to shake my head and frown in disappointment.

The more I’ve looked, the more clear it became that people are not looking for or giving out tips on how or about what to write a good post, but rather on how to attract – read: lure – readers to their sites. Now isn’t that just a bit sad? Of course having an audience is important, especially if it is an active one, since that turns your blog into a platform for conversation and exchange of thoughts and opinions. And of course we all are at least a tad narcissistic and enjoy the warm reassuring feeling in the pits of our stomachs that the upward climbing line on the statistics graph provokes, but is that feeling really genuine if you know you’ve tricked people into visiting your blog? I’ll be honest, I’d much rather have a handful of readers who actually read and react to what I have to say, than watch some arrow point slightly upwards with a big number underneath it. Then again, that might just be me. I’ve never been that infatuated with math.

After surfing through my google search results for a while, I simply gave up (yes, I am a bitter, bitter person at times). I closed the tabs, got back to my WordPress “New Post” screen and decided I might as well do this on my own.

So there is no conventional “hi and welcome to my blog” post. There is simply this – an observation, or a rant if you will. Ok, you’re right, it is most definitely more of a rant than anything else, but hey – stick to what you’re good at, right?

If you are dieing to know who I am, you can always click on the “About” link in the right upper corner of the sight. Go ahead, you’re allowed to, I’ll wait until you’re done.

Back already? I’m sorry if what you found wasn’t as exciting as you had expected, but it’s all you get. Now stop nagging, that’s my job.

Anyway, as mentioned before there is no “hi and welcome to my blog” post. However, I guess I can compromise a bit, seeing that you’ve stumbled upon my blog and taken the time to read through this entire post (though let’s be honest – you most probably just scrolled all the way down to the end to begin with, admit it!). So: Hi there! And welcome to my blog! I hope you didn’t feel the browsing and occasional reading you’ve done here has been a total waste of your time. And if you’d go so far as to say you’ve actually enjoyed it, then I’d be happy to see you come back at some point. Who knows, you might find new enjoyable content. Then again, don’t hold your breath. I’m told I tend to be somewhat inconsequential in my writing. Either way, feel free to clear your throat and speak up (figuratively speaking of course) to say hi or share a cooking recipe you’re particularly fond of. Or comment on something I’ve said for that matter.

Thanks for stopping by!
